Saturday, November 13, 2010


ermmm..its been a long2 time that i never ever open my blog.really doe..mcm mls gila nk bukak.xda idea nk post apa.abeh2 sgt lepak kat blog org way to reduce my 'boringness' staying at kolej puncak alam which is soooooo far away from others.erkkk hiperbola kah?? lantak la.mmg jao gila pun dri mn2 tmpt.even my bro n friends pun dah x sggup nk dtg pick up or jenguk aq at! (shadap wan!!)
ok2,now aq dah start cuti sem.but for dis month,i'm quite busy with my things.n next month will be my bro's elders brother.hohoo can't wait for that coz that is the time i can meet with all my cousins n can lepaking n chatting untill demam.hahahaa hiperbola lgi disitu.but hopefully everything will be fine n smooth.17hb ni raya haji a.k.a aidiladha..dis year punya celebrate maybe x sgt kot coz adik aq spm n abg2 aq pun x blik,juz aq je la yg free lepak kat umah.n of cos my parents.but,adat la kn,raya aji je ada org smbut aidiladha mcm aidilfitri..ngada lak.ceittt! tp yg best,bleh mkn mknan sedap2.hahahahahaaa~
enuf la for now..satgi melalut smpai ke laut lak.susah2..hahahaa..

Saturday, August 28, 2010


ngeee..mood baik skit bulan2 posa neh.lalalaaa~





aq rsa majoriti akn ckp RAYA.surely sakan! kan3..hehee..

ermmm..still struggle ngn test n assignment before hari raya break.
life as a student ni kdg2 mcm kejam je kn..ha-ha!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

[ R E F R E S H ]


its been a long time that i'm not updating my blog..
last post.3rd of April.yes..early APRIL!
now it's already August!
lack of idea.lack of skill.
dunno how to start again.
pls somebody help me..


Saturday, April 3, 2010


mau update..

tapi still x da idea..

cmna nk update neh??

nk jgk update..



ok laa...

update jgk kn cmni..

at least post something..


Thursday, January 21, 2010


pehal ko kerek sengal semcm..
ko pikir ko bgs sgt??
ko pikir ko best?
suke2 nk suma org pikir psl ko..
nk suma org ikut style ko..
nk suma org ikut emo ko..
x mau tego org la..
x nk senyum la..
ko ingat ktorg ni ape??
tolong r....
pikir rasional and jgn ikut emo and ego ko sgt bleh??
pikir psl org len jgk ok..

there is no 'i' and 'me' in a realationship..
there is always about 'we' and 'us'...

haaaa..ko jgn sampai aq naik hangin satu bdn..
aq mmg jrg marah,tp jgn anggap aq ni lemah or dayus if x marah2..
x kisah la ko kwn ke,adik ke,abg ke,kak ke..
aq x peduli..
if perangai ko mcm cibai and asyik pikir psl diri sendri je,
better ko idup solo la weh..

x yah pikir psl org len..
idup org len pun aman bahgia makmur sentiasa..

we r not depending on others..
we just need them to make our life better..

aq bkn nk cari gaduh..
aq bkn nk tunjuk aq ni baik..
aq just nk ko pikir balik ape yg ko buat tu btul or x..
tindakan ko tu baik or buruk..
jgn disbbkn ego and emo ko tu,semua jd x btul..


haaa..ingat tuh..

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


hohooo after 3 ari aq start aq nye prctkal,kesimpulan yg aq bleh buat ialah...BOSAN!!!
seriusly doe,kali ni punya prctkal aq mcm xda prasaan lgsg.empty.maybe coz trainee kali ni x havoc mcm b4 this kot.dorg mcm skema n xda lak otak gila2 mcm geng trainee last sem.last sem mmg terbaik r wa ckp lu.bleh dikatakn tiap2 mlm ktorg hang-out skali.siap leh berpoya2 skali tuh..hahahaaa~
but,now mcm kureng skit r..maybe sbb baru lg n geng2 aq pun mcm tunjuk baik lg r now.masuk keje on time.xda lewat2 dah..nk kuar pun mintak permission.giler baik..hahaa seriusly lawak doe.berbeza drpd ape yg aq buat last sem nye kalo geng2 trainee last sem still ada,sure dorg gelak guling2 tgk aq jd dak skema a.k.a baik..erkkkk damn!

btw,now aq kne masuk lab histology.for those yg x tau,kat lab histology neh ktorg sediakn slide2 tisu manusia.sample2 suma drpd manusia idup n yg dah mati.case2 cancer or keguguran byk r kat sni.nk tau lebih2 google sendri k.lalalalaaaa~
org ckp,dlm byk2 lab kat hospital,lab histo ni r paling scary skali coz suma sample manusia still ada dlm lab,if spe2 yg kne on-call waktu mlm,dorg sure kne berteman if nk masuk lab.even staff pun cmtu.huhuu BENARKAH???

then,semlm aq berpeluang join DR Safura bedah mayat kat makmal forensik.huhuu first agak cuak r kn coz ni 1st time kot nk g makmal bedah mayat tuh and tgk sendri mayat tu dibedah dpn mata.b4 dis kat lab histo tu just dpt sample organ manusia skali ngn mayat tu aq tgk..cara dorg kaji mayat and nk cari sbb knapa org tu mati dah mcm cter csi dah aq seriusly,dat experience aq x kn lupa sampai bila2 kot..and DR Safura amat la sempoi and cool.even dia ni dah diiktiraf PAKAR FORENSIK kat MALAYSIA neh(ni info yg aq dgr r,true or not i'm not really sure.korg try google sendri k) tp dia lgsg x lokek ilmu and sgt sng nk tanya smtg..doctor2 yg len ckp bkn sng dpt jmpa and talk to her coz dia ni amat bz and ssh nk ada kat,semlm kira lucky day aq r coz dpt jmpa n ckp2 ngn dia.if korg nak tau gak,kes bunuh yg melibatkn 4org ahli keluarga tuh buat kat lab forensik ni masa tu aq x dpt join coz aq x masuk lg prctkal.huhuu..tbe2 aq rsa mcm nk tukar masuk forensik lak.ngeeee...

p/ relationship is not going well now..huhuu~

Sunday, January 10, 2010

[my 1st 2nd??]

adoyai..i'm already at Seremban now..tomorrow will be my second first practical at HTJS.huhh?? what the meaning?? what-ever la kn..rite now,there are so many feeling that i feel..


hahaa looks like i'm totally crazy rite now..dunno what to do and what to think.just feel like don't want to start my practical yet..more holidays plsss..ha-ha! XP

just hoping that tomorrow my spirit will come and can start my day with a big smile and powerful! hahaaaa~