ermmm..its been a long2 time that i never ever open my blog.really doe..mcm mls gila nk bukak.xda idea nk post apa.abeh2 sgt lepak kat blog org len.hahaa..one way to reduce my 'boringness' staying at kolej puncak alam which is soooooo far away from others.erkkk hiperbola kah?? lantak la.mmg jao gila pun dri mn2 tmpt.even my bro n friends pun dah x sggup nk dtg pick up or jenguk aq at sna.sedey2..hu-hu! (shadap wan!!)
ok2,now aq dah start cuti sem.but for dis month,i'm quite busy with my things.n next month will be my bro's wedding.my elders brother.hohoo can't wait for that coz that is the time i can meet with all my cousins n can lepaking n chatting untill demam.hahahaa hiperbola lgi disitu.but hopefully everything will be fine n smooth.17hb ni raya haji a.k.a aidiladha..dis year punya celebrate maybe x sgt kot coz adik aq spm n abg2 aq pun x blik umah.so,juz aq je la yg free lepak kat umah.n of cos my parents.but,adat la kn,raya aji je kot..mn ada org smbut aidiladha mcm aidilfitri..ngada lak.ceittt! tp yg best,bleh mkn mknan sedap2.hahahahahaaa~
enuf la for now..satgi melalut smpai ke laut lak.susah2..hahahaa..
ermmm..its been a long2 time that i never ever open my blog.really doe..mcm mls gila nk bukak.xda idea nk post apa.abeh2 sgt lepak kat blog org len.hahaa..one way to reduce my 'boringness' staying at kolej puncak alam which is soooooo far away from others.erkkk hiperbola kah?? lantak la.mmg jao gila pun dri mn2 tmpt.even my bro n friends pun dah x sggup nk dtg pick up or jenguk aq at sna.sedey2..hu-hu! (shadap wan!!)
ok2,now aq dah start cuti sem.but for dis month,i'm quite busy with my things.n next month will be my bro's wedding.my elders brother.hohoo can't wait for that coz that is the time i can meet with all my cousins n can lepaking n chatting untill demam.hahahaa hiperbola lgi disitu.but hopefully everything will be fine n smooth.17hb ni raya haji a.k.a aidiladha..dis year punya celebrate maybe x sgt kot coz adik aq spm n abg2 aq pun x blik umah.so,juz aq je la yg free lepak kat umah.n of cos my parents.but,adat la kn,raya aji je kot..mn ada org smbut aidiladha mcm aidilfitri..ngada lak.ceittt! tp yg best,bleh mkn mknan sedap2.hahahahahaaa~
enuf la for now..satgi melalut smpai ke laut lak.susah2..hahahaa..